Database Recertification Solidifies Trust for 360 Media Direct’s Clients

April 25, 2023


Woman reading magazine in waiting area.

For more than 30 years, Waiting Room Subscription Services (WRSS) has helped publishers and brands engage more than 200 million readers annually across thousands of public locations including doctors’ offices, salons and auto body shops. As part of marketing services company 360 Media Direct, WRSS’s proprietary public place location database helps magazine publishers and point-of-care media providers determine which public places are the best match for their target audiences.

In 2021 WRSS achieved AAM certification of its database and recently recertified. We caught up with Kellie Watt, vice president of WRSS, to learn why the company decided to get certified, how it strengthens relationships with clients and the benefits of ongoing third-party monitoring.


kellie-watt-wrssAAM: Why certify the WRSS database?

Kellie Watt: After WRSS and Consumer Marketing Solutions (CMS) merged in 2018, WRSS became the only provider of free, publisher-funded waiting room magazines. Since many of our clients are AAM audited, we thought it was important to have the database certified by AAM as well. It shows our clients that we adhere to industry standards and that we don’t take short cuts when it comes to database hygiene and maintenance.


AAM: Why have the database recertified?

Kellie Watt: Recertification proves that we are committed to providing the best possible data. It shows current and potential clients that we understand the importance of maintaining an up-to-date database, and we are doing everything possible to provide them with accurate, targeted locations.


AAM: After achieving the initial certification, AAM continued to monitor the database to detect any possible anomalies. How does ongoing monitoring help your business?

Kellie Watt: We are always evaluating our business processes to better serve our clients. The continuous audit and certification assure our management team that our processes continue to be maintained at the highest level. Our customer database is updated frequently, ensuring over 99% postal compliance. It helps to have third-party assurance in real time so we know we are always compliant.


AAM: What feedback have you received from publishers who use your database?

Kellie Watt: The feedback from clients has been positive. The AAM certification gives them greater confidence that they can trust the data we provide.


AAM: Why is 360 Media Direct an AAM client?

Kellie Watt: Since many of our clients are also AAM clients, it sends a message that we understand their needs and the importance of providing clean lists that are compliant with AAM rules and standards.


AAM: What’s next for 360 Media Direct?

Kellie Watt: We thrive on meeting our clients’ needs and assisting them with solutions to challenges they may be facing. We will continue to find innovative ways to help our publishers distribute print and digital verified subscriptions to waiting rooms and into the hands of their target audiences.


To learn more about the benefits of third-party verification in point-of-care media, read How Audits Build Trust in Point-of-Care Marketing.


Topics: Interview

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