When it Comes to DOOH, Transparent Screens are Cool, but Transparent Data is Cooler

January 16, 2024

by Dan Schneider, Vice President, Business Development



Dan SchneiderI just returned from spending the week at CES in Las Vegas and like many attendees, my head is still spinning.

I had hoped to see what’s new and exciting in the world of digital-out-of-home advertising and I wasn’t disappointed with what was presented both inside and outside of the event venue.

Vegas is a DOOH advertiser’s paradise. Everywhere you look there’s a screen trying to get your attention.

First, there’s the much talked about largest LED screen on the planet, the Sphere. With all the buzz and impressions generated by the Sphere both in person and online, it’s the place for advertisers to be if you can afford the $450,000 per day price tag.

Some vendors showcasing their products at CES also activated DOOH campaigns on the Las Vegas Strip to generate buzz and get attendees excited about what they would see at the show.

At the event, the future of DOOH was on full display (literally) with folding digital screens and a transparent MicroLED from Samsung that allows images and text to be displayed on see-through glass. These possibilities set off many creatives’ imaginations about the screens’ commercial and marketing potential.

But what was just as important as what I saw at CES was what I heard. There were discussions about the future of DOOH and how powerful data can be when creating relevant, engaging experiences for consumers. The power of data to help customize experiences and allow brands to connect with consumers in outdoor spaces was talked about with as much enthusiasm as the latest tech. But just as powerful as data might be, it’s also powerful when advertisers know they can trust data they receive from vendors running their campaigns.

That’s why the Alliance for Audited Media is helping advertisers identify trusted DOOH vendors through our DOOH Certification Program. This certification brings together standards that create a safe, transparent space for buyers and sellers while offering areas of improvement for measurement and targeting. The goal of the program is to verify that a DOOH provider is doing everything possible to provide advertisers with accurate, reliable and consistent data, which allows them to use this data to make more informed campaign and buying decisions, maximizing their DOOH investment.

If the future of DOOH is data, then why not make 2024 the year of DOOH data transparency? Ask for your partners to become certified. Cool tech can make an impact on your campaigns, but so can trusted data.



Topics: Data

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